Of course, I tell her she's ridiculous, but indulge her to wander along the back of the store, looking down every aisle, then through the produce, and along the front of the store, where she thinks the actor (Paul Dano) has gone into the Walmart banking area.
I stay in the deodorant aisle while she sneaks around the corner to see if she see's the guy again, but alas, it's not the guy she saw earlier.
So after we finish our shopping, she's see the potential-celebrity, but he's standing behind the photo counter wearing a walmart name badge. And well, from my perspective, he just looked like a pale skinny twenty-year-old with dyed black hair.
My only comment: "You know the guy in Little Miss Sunshine, might not have dyed black hair in real life?"

And in fact, you see in the picture, right, of the then 22-year-old Paul Dano at the Little Miss Sunshine premier at Sundance and he's not in costume of his character Dwayne Hoover at all.
And in fact, with all the cool projects Paul Dano has in store for him, I imagine he's not processing film at Walmart.
Cool Upcoming Projects for Paul Dano:
- PT Anderson's Upton Sinclair adaptation, There Will Be Blood where Dano play Eli Sunday a young Texas preacher opposite Daniel Day-Lewis.
- Spike Jonez's Maurice Sendak's adaptation, Where The Wild Things Are, where Dano will play the voice of Alexander.
UnbeLIEVable roles! He must be something else in Little Miss Sunshine (kicking himself under the table for not seeing it while it was in the theatres).
what did you think of the movie?
i finally have the answer to who this kid is. thanks. i had absolutely no idea who people were blogging about- and you gave me a face with a name- so double thanks :)
Ahh, poor wife of Mr. RC. She must be talked about on his blog. Her search for Paul Dano is now public for all to see.
At least she found the look alike. You should have gotten a picture of them together :).
trust me...he really did look like paul dano! :-)
the movie was excellently funny. i enjoyed it a lot.
Loved the film. I think a photo of the Walmart employee is necessary. Maybe it's a character study.
I love Paul Dano..I'm staking out the Walmart with your wife until he comes back!
That movie is stinkin' hilarious. I laughed so hard people began looking at me...he was my favorite character!
I've been a fan of Paul Dano since his mind-blowing performance in L.I.E. several years ago. It was a controversial film, so it didn't get much awards talk, but he was brilliant (as was Brian Cox) in it. I'm glad he's getting more gigs; plus, the sleeper hit success of Sunshine will only boost his profile.
Dano's was my favorite performance in the film. And I must say, I occasionally mistake the guy who works at the Shell station for Dano's character.
It must be the Sunshine/ABQ connection.
So glad to see there'll be more Dano.
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